Saturday, April 23, 2011

motive to prefer a Notebook more than a Desktop Computer

When you are ready to buy a new computer, you may need a guide to buying a desktop computer. Graphics & Image Editing If you plan on using it for a lot of computer graphics such as image editing, you will need a good quality graphics card.4.Best Desktop Computer. Gaming If you plan to use it for a good deal of gaming, then you will need to consider a high quality graphics card, and also potentially a good quality sound card.5. Make sure that the memory, speed, components and other cards that you will need are available for the model that you choose. You may also want to go to a computer expert and have him build a computer for you.

Today, computer notebooks - which were once called laptops - offer a number of advantages over a computer desktop.Best Desktop Computer. Better Displays The size and quality of computer notebook displays has improved so dramatically that there's little difference between laptops and a computer desktop. For example, you can get Apple's Mac Book with a 13.3-inch LCD widescreen (1280 x 800 pixels), a 15.4-inch LCD widescreen (1440 x 900 pixels) or a 17-inch widescreen (1680 x 1050 pixels).

Better Computing and Battery Power Historically, two drawbacks of notebooks were their limited RAM, limited space on the hard drive, and short battery life.Best Desktop Computer. Times have changed, though, and laptops now have as much power under the hood as their computer desktop cousins. Likewise, batteries in today's notebooks don't heat up and don't conk out.5. More Features In older laptops, the computer's size and weight limited the number and types of features available. Today, with smaller processors and other components, there's room to pack more features into notebooks.